Give us an armload of your old, new, borrowed, and blue details and be prepared to see what we come up with. We've been caught hanging dresses from chandeliers and throwing 3 inch heels in the air. We have done some pretty crazy things over the years. And speaking of crazy things, here are a few of my favorite stories regarding wedding day details:
Story #1: Picture this. We are outside of Austin, right off of Lake Travis, and preparing for the...
If you did a double take to make sure you are on a photography blog, don't worry I completely understand. Perhaps I should start by giving you some background on how I ended up making a stock tank pool...
For a wedding photographer, Saturdays and Sundays are just another work day and you rarely get one or both days off. If you do, that day is spent doing house work, errands, sleeping. So what happens when wedding photography ceases for months (thanks C19-word) and you have already caught up on your house work, errands and...
In August, Vivian, Josh, Evan and I went to our favorite little boutique hotel just a bit north of Cancun: The Beloved. It was such a relaxing and scrumptious vacation - and we were able to celebrate my 40th birthday and Evan and I's anniversary. Josh's birthday also happened to be during this time, and we gave it a little nod, too.
Here are some pictures from our vacation, with some notes in case you head that way yourself and want to check it out!
My favorite part of vacation is getting a chance to read ACTUAL books...
I caught up with Rankin family right before the Chinese New Year in February. Lin's parents were vising from Florida and she wanted to get some portraits while they were in town. As adorable as I already thought the Rankin family already was, I was not prepared for how simply delightful Lin's parents were! Our portrait session took place at the Las Colinas Canals, while it was still quite chilly outside. The area provided us a lovely backdrop after some serious downpours and gave us a little respite from the cold winds that...
Upon on our arrival to the Warwick Melrose, Vivian and I split up. I went to the Library for the cocktail hour with the guests and Vivian went into the reception room to document details before everyone arrived.
I love the Library at the Melrose, it's so swanky and chic and the gorgeous piano player filled the room with soft jazz that went along with the soft conversations, as guests introduced themselves to one another and caught up with old friends over Moscow Mules in personalized copper mugs.
The reception room paid...
There was a lot of hustling and bustling when we arrived at the chapel that morning. A slew of people walked in simultaneously to set up candles, flowers, and decor. Commands were being shared back and forth. Scott and Kerry were in the middle of it all - coordinating, deciding, arranging.
There were tiny moments of stress, prompted along from their perfectionism and I kept looking at my watch. We were running late, over an hour past where we should have been in the timeline and my team was keeping busy with details and...
This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)
...or something like this:
The XYZ Doohickey Company...