Once upon a time, in land so far away and so long ago, there was an feisty engineer named Lynn who shared a cube with another equally feisty engineer named Schari. Schari & Lynn collaborated on many a project and pulled many a joke on their unsuspecting coworkers. One day Schari decided to move back home to Pensacola. Before she did, she asked Lynn if she would take a few pictures of her little munchkins.

I want to say this was 2003, because it was shot on f*lm (running joke, did anyone catch that?).

And here are the munchkins and (still feisty) Schari now! They stopped by the studio during their short visit to Dallas and we had an impromptu photo shoot. This was such a change from our first shoot, when Schari had to keep the newly-walking Nia & Naja from running off and jumping into the lake!