This past summer, some truly amazing photographers got together and came up with this brilliant idea – to create the Families Belong Together Sessions. I could not describe the mission better than them – so please go to the website and read up :

I  opened up the sessions to my clients and some equally amazing people came forward my crew donated a total of $1200! WOW! I want to truly thank all eight families that participated in this project with me. I love you and I love your hearts …

First up is the Howell family. I met Jennifer many moons ago, but this was my first time meeting her family and photographing them. A car pulled up shortly after I arrived and this whole beautiful family emerged.

Andrew had driven into town from college and while I know Jennifer & Ross were happy to have him home for the weekend, but I was ecstatic because his little sister just adored him and their interactions just melted me. Love you guys! Thank you for your love, generosity, and sharing the heart of your family.