This adorable little field is such a good central point between me and the Alfieri family that we have used it three times for portraits. The funny thing is that each time we go it is right after a rain storm and it is soaking wet there.

When I shot Ashley & Jack’s engagements, I ruined his Italian leather shoes (oops!). I don’t really remember what happened the second time – but this last time, it was an utter mud pit and the kids and the dog ended up slinging mud everywhere. Here’s the thing with Ashley & Jack, they just freaking laughed about it. I mean, they made me promise to find them a concrete park next time, but they totally laughed about this. And that’s what I adore them. Plus, they have some amazingly adorable kids.

And then there’s Lucy, the dog. She just gave up on us at one point and started swimming in the lake. She’s my spirit animal.