6 hours in a car with Hugo = oodles of fun.  Six very beautiful hours to serenade him with my very eclectic music collection … and he didn’t even threaten to jump out the window.

The purpose of our trip? Well, we were San Marcos bound. I have never been to San Marcos – it took Leah & Andrew to get me out there. And it was a whirlwind tour of the city that day.

I met Andrew a few years ago at Lauren & Matt’s wedding, where he was a feisty groomsman. Not much has changed, but this was my first opportunity to meet Leah in person. She’s every bit of the loveliness that I expected. Shy at first, but she warms up quickly and goes along with all of the silliness that  is Andrew. I think it goes without saying that they are adorable together. Picture proof below.




