Just  a little reminder that my name is Lynn Michelle and all of the information contained on this website and blog are copyright Lynn Michelle Photography, LLC. That’s right, it’s mine. All mine. That may seem very possessive of me, but it’s important to note that not a darn thing that you find here can be duplicated, copied, modified or adapted in any way without my written permission. Your use of the website, blog and/or my services does not constitute any right or license for you to use any of our service marks or trademarks with out … you guessed it … my prior, written permission.

The content (including, but not limited to text and images), which I have so painstakingly written and chosen, that you find on this website & blog is protected under United States and foreign copyrights. The coping, redistribution use or publication of any of such content is strictly prohibited. Your use of this website & services does not grant you any ownership rights to my content.

Think you will get away with? I have a lot of extra time on my hands and a lawyer on retainer.  Also, please remember, google & hosting providers takes copyright infringement very seriously. Don’t let all of that good juju go to waste because you want to steal content.

Need to contact me? Here’s my email.


Updated March 11, 2025.