I was out of town. Nathan left me a document on my computer. To the blog it goes!

Top 10 things to enjoy while the wife is out of town.

10.  Gorging on pizza is perfectly acceptable.  After all, isn’t it more efficient to eat 1 meal instead of 3?

09.  Free to assert complete dominance over pets and inanimate objects without fear of reprisals.

08.  Dishes are optional if you have a decent vacuum and a fat cat.

07.  Spending all day conquering feudal Japan in a video game isn’t lazy; it’s just good preparation in case history repeats itself.

06.  Is a burp really a burp if no one is there to cast shame upon it?  Debate the topic at length in an open format.

05.  No shirt?  No shoes?  No shame.

04.  You can live like a complete slob so long as you clean furiously for an hour at the end (proper timing is essential).

03.  Beer is a perfectly acceptable meal.

02.  Go days at a time without talking about what you’re feeling.

01.  You’re never wrong.  Ever.