Speaking of Julie & Eric …. they came over on Saturday to make sushi. Now, none of us have ever made sushi before and since I was leading the parade, I looked up a few tutorials beforehand.

The first thing you need to know is how to make perfect sushi rice. (PS: I have a rice maker, which made life sooooo much easier)

Ingredients & things we used:

1- sushi rice (Japanese short-grained rice), rice vinegar, sugar,salt

2- sashimi-grade tuna or salmon (1 lb each from Central Market)

3- chunk crabmeat

4- nori

5- veggies: cucumbers, avocados, asparagus, etc

6- sauces & stuff: cream cheese, wassabi, ginger, soy

7- sushi rolling mats

Doesn’t that tuna & salmon look divine!?

making sushi in dallas, texas

Eric’s first roll: The Burrito.

making sushi in dallas, texas

Julie rocked at making sushi. She’s laughing at us because we suck.

making sushi in dallas, texas

Julie’s perfect sushi roll.

My sad roll.

making sushi in dallas, texas

Julie trying to salvage Eric’s roll.

making sushi in dallas, texas

Eric’s second roll: The Tamale.

making sushi in dallas, texas

Nathan’s second roll looked really good!

making sushi in dallas, texas