When I met Vanessa, I was taken aback at how gorgeous and elegant she was. But instead of complementing her on either of those things, my mouth said “Wow, you are tall!”. I am the queen of stating the obvious. So in that vein, let me share her beautifully elegant bridals at the Marty Leonard Chapel in Fort Worth. Flowers are by the equally gorgeous DiFiori – such a classic choice of white calla lillies and roses!
Most importantly, there is Vanessa. If you could describe anyone as embodying a warm hug it would be Vanessa. She is just one of the people that glows with warmth when she enters a room, and she is such an extraordinary person to get to know. I am so lucky to have gotten the time before her wedding to photograph her bridals since she had to make the journey to Fort Worth during a busy time in her life of moving and starting a new job right before her wedding!